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From everyday activities in the home to staying active, we’re here to help with services and referrals. We’re committed to helping you stay independent, in your home for longer and get out and about in the community as often as you can. We offer the following supports and services:

Personal Care

Our team can support you with tasks such as bathing, showering, dressing, grooming and toileting. Our team is sensitive to your needs and will provide support in respectful way to ensure that you are ready for your day or evening.

Domestic Assistance

We can assist you to keep up with your household chores such as cleaning, laundry, vacuuming and ironing. We can also help with cooking and gardening and support you with chores that are now too difficult for you to manage.

Social Support

We can support you to maintain your social and recreational activities by organising transport, accompanying you on activities or providing support as required. We can also provide regular companionship over a cup of tea, a short stroll or playing cards.


Maintaining your health can sometimes be tricky, maintaining your diet, looking after your wellbeing, or managing your physical needs can be challenging. Our team of healthcare professionals can assist you with a range of supports such as nutrition, rehabilitation, respiratory care, falls prevention and dietary needs.


Sometimes it can be difficult getting to and from the shops and we can assist you with this by accompanying you to get the items you need or completing your shopping for you.

Overnight Care

If you need assistance over night to manage an injury or condition our trained staff can stay with you to provide assistance and reassurance. We will remain overnight and when not providing support our staff can be getting on with household chores such as ironing.

Our home and community team works across a couple of different programs, including NDIS, Private Care and Support and we also offered brokered services through the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

Learn more about

Brokered Support
Private Support
Behaviour Support
Plan Management
High Intensity Support
Other - contact us
Support Coordination

Home and Community

Quality Health Care’s home and community team provides high-quality, individualised supports in your home and in the community. Our team can support and assist you with daily living skills, community access or flexible support as required, to help you live life well.

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