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We welcome all types of feedback from clients, family members, other providers and staff about their experience with Quality Health Care. We collect and collate this feedback monthly and it is shared with the Senior Management Team and Directors to identify any concerns or trends that may be happening across the company. We also look at the positive feedback we receive to see if we can improve aspects of our service based on what is happening locally.
About Compliments
About Complaints
We want to know when you’re
not happy about an experience you’ve had with our team. A complaint can be about a person, a service or something you have experienced. We will respond to any complaints received within three working days.
These are things that you
think we’re doing well or may be recognition of a person who has helped you. By telling us what you like, we can aim to continue to do these things and provide feedback to staff.
Client Resources
We are committed to providing safe, quality services to every person and we seek to ensure the human rights of all people with disability are upheld in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Quality Health Care is committed to preventing all forms of abuse and we do this by focussing on our recruitment practices, our service practice and our operating culture which encourages people to speak out and raise any concerns they may have with our service.
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities Statement
Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
Human Rights Statement
QHC staff code of conduct
Staying Safe
Freedom from Abuse
Feedback and Complaints
Privacy Policy
Our Clients' Rights
Client’s rights, needs and voice are central to our philosophy and we have implemented the following practice to ensure our teams uphold these values:
We encourage and support a transparent culture where concerns can be raised without fear of reprisal.
We look to recruit people whose values align with ours and we look for integrity and trust in each individual.
We provide ongoing training and development to our teams about rights and safeguards.
Continue to meet all the requirements of national and state disability compliance and maintain full compliance with all relevant disability services standards.
We have a culture of reporting and seeking input through our incident management system, satisfaction surveys and feedback mechanisms.